How to enrol
To enrol your child to use the Walking Bus please fill in this form online
More information
Can you help?
We need lots of adult volunteers for the Walking Bus at HWPS. You don't have to live on the Walking Bus route to volunteer. Some of our volunteers live out of area and many don't have children or grandchildren at our school, they just love the program and want to help.
Why volunteer at your child or grandchild's school?
Parental involvement in children's learning is beneficial. Research shows it leads to better educational, social, and emotional outcomes for children. In addition, a report from the Australian Research Alliance for Children & Youth (ARACY) has found parental involvement contributes to overall student positive attainment, behaviour and attendance at school.
Register to Volunteer
If you may be able to help please fill in this form or email or see School Chaplain Chris Prouty with any questions.
Why do we have a Walking Bus at HWPS?
The Walking Bus is healthy way for students to get to and from school. It reduces traffic congestion around the school and regular exercise improves concentration and reduces aggressive behaviour and disruptive actions. Here is a very short video
Enrol now
If your child has been previously enrolled, you do not need to re-enrol them.
There is more information on the Walking Bus website