23 May 2019

We have commenced the School Run4Fun Colour Explosion which is as a major fundraiser next term so we do ask for your support. The more money we raise the more we can provide for the students through vital school projects, in particular Stage 3 Camp and Year 6 Farewell and Graduation.
The School Run4Fun Colour Explosion has been postponed and will now be held on Wednesday 24th July, 2019 (Term 3, Week 1). We do ask that you bring a spare change of clothes to school, most importantly a plain white shirt as the students will be covered in powder from head to toe. The day’s focus is on fun and fitness with the added benefit of raising funds for our school.
Colour Powder
The colour powder used in our event has been sourced direct from India, the home of Holi Powder. It is made of high quality corn starch and permitted food colours. It’s non-toxic, biodegradable, skin safe and environmentally friendly. Toxicological Risk Assessment and ingredient listings can be obtained from the School Office upon request. Students with asthma are advised to be careful in their decision to participate.
How Does My Child Fundraise?
Students have now received a Sponsorship Form with instructions on how to raise money and order prizes. Students obtain donations in cash using the Sponsorship Form together with online fundraising. Students should continue to collect money over the next term in a labelled zip lock bag and add sponsor details to their booklet or online.
Students who raise as little as $10 or more will receive an incentive prize for their efforts. But why not aim higher? You have the option to choose up to five (5) prizes and this will set your fundraising goal. Family and friends are your greatest supporters, so ask them first for your support. You will reach your fundraising goal in no time.
Student Profile Page
Create a Student Profile Page at www.myprofilepage.com.au which is unique to you. There are also some great features like recording your sponsorships and selecting your prize goal.
You can also register for online fundraising. It’s the easiest way to help your child raise money and to reach your fundraising goal sooner.
WIN A SHARE OF $200,000 WORTH OF FREE SPONSORSHIP DONATIONS. Create a Student Profile Page at www.myprofilepage.com.au and enter your unique code found on page five (5) of your Sponsorship Form to see if you’re an instant winner. Give your fundraising goal a kick start!
How to Order Prizes?
To reward your child for their efforts, they will receive incentive prizes based on the total amount of sponsorship dollars raised in cash, online, and if applicable, any FREE SPONSORSHIP DONATIONS won using the unique code on page five (5) of the Sponsorship Form. You have two options to place your prize order:
1. Login or create a Student Profile Page at www.myprofilepage.com.au. Once the fundraiser has finished, click the ‘ORDER MY PRIZE’ button and then confirm your total amount raised and order your prize/s, OR
2. Complete the back page of the Sponsorship Form and return to the school.
Please note, all donations need to be finalised on or before 23rd July 2019. Student prizes will be delivered shortly after.
Thank you in advance for your participation, and get ready for a BLAST OF COLOUR! Happy fundraising!