Homebush West Public School

Do right and fear not

Telephone02 9746 9304


P&C Meeting Tuesday 16 June 7 pm start on Zoom

All parents, carers, grandparents and school community are invited to join us for our 2nd P&C meeting of this year. This meeting will be held on Zoom and we look forward to connecting with you online.

We were due to hold our Annual General Meeting (AGM) this term. At the AGM new members join by paying $1, all Executive positions (President, Vice Presidents, Treasurer, Secretary) become vacant, new Executive are voted on and the audit report is tabled. Following advice from the P&C Federation, P&C Executive have decided to postpone our AGM until Term 4, 2020.

At our P&C Zoom meeting we will also hear from the Principal and have the opportunity to ask questions and give feedback.

The Zoom meeting link has been sent to the Skoolbag App. Please log on from 6:50 pm so we can start the meeting promptly at 7 pm.

Do you have items you would like to discuss? Or questions? Please email them to hwps.pandc@gmail.com by Fri 12 June.
Thank you – P&C Executive